Waiting for my Samsung Galaxy S

8 March

So I was bored at home waiting for my new contract Samsung Galaxy S to finally arrive when I got the brilliant idea to blog about it.  No, of course I don’t mean to blog about my boredom. I was thinking more along the lines of my transition from symbian to android.  And yes I know the time of the galaxy s has come and gone and people are all pumped up on the coming of the galaxy s3 soon, but then this is South Africa. Everything happens late here.

As a slightly OCD tech junkie, I have found myself googleing and reading up on the Samsung Galaxy S from numerous blogs and forums.  What I found lacking was something of a step by step description of the transition into an android world. So I’ve decided to write this blog to reminisce about the good old days with Nokia and get excited about the new ones with Samsung.

Okay so firstly I’ll start with a few points of what I will miss in my old phone, the Nokia 5800 Xpress Music. Since I’ve named the phone Kon, I will refer to it as such in the rest of my blog.

Kon has been a faithful phone for the past two years.  Even though this phone cannot officially claim the title of smart-phone, as pointed out by my learned multimedia lecturer, I still believe it met all the criteria of one.  From the downloadable apps to its brilliant ovi maps navigation, this phone has almost had it all.

Things I’ll miss:
·         The camera.  It’s far from perfect but it got the job done, sometimes with surprisingly high quality outcomes.
·         The music.  It wouldn’t be an xpress music phone if the music wasn’t tops.
·         The notes thingy (Do I call it an app?).  Quick easy way to jot down my thoughts and ideas, definitely going to miss this.
·         Nokia Ovi store.  Ok yes, it charges an arm and a leg for what I could have easily bootlegged for free, but when I’m feeling particularly law abiding, the Ovi store has been great.
·         The games.  I knew touch screens could be so fun.  As a hardcore gamer, when I can afford it, it is essential to have a phone that can keep me entertained in my time of need when I am far from Opal (My pc.  I like naming things okay.)
·         Multi tasking.  Nokia has always done this best for me (ok now I’m starting to sound like a fan-girl).
·         Last but not least, Doodle Jump.  Downloaded from Ovi, I love this game.  Yeah this isn’t even the best game on my phone but when all the others reach the end of their storylines, I can always depend on the doodle to keep me occupied till my next big addiction.

Those are the things I’ll miss, but what about the things I look forward to in the galaxy s?
·         Super AMOLED screen.  Duh?  I don’t even think I need to explain why.
·         TouchWiz UI.  Yeah yeah, so people hate on it online, but screw that, I’m coming from the boring and unchanging symbian ui so this is definitely going to be a step up.
·         HD video.  Oh I just love taking videos of my super adorable nieces.  They look good on camera, lol.
·         Android apps.  Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of free stuff to try out.  I’ll never get bored ever again.
·         Customization.  Being slightly OCD, I like change that I have control over, the galaxy s gives me that so bring on the control (Some mistake this for being power hungry, go figure).
·         The big screen. It scares me so much that I can’t wait to tame it.  The transition from my modest 3.3inch to a 4inch will surely be a 0.7inch adjustment.

So that’s what I’ll miss and what I look forward to.  Now my wait continues as I wait on MTN to get their act together and get me my phone.  And yes, i've posted this 2 days later than I wrote it so what :P



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