App review: Cymera

Hello my good people, it's been a while since I stuff a review so I thought I should find a worthy app and tell you all about it.

This time around I am reviewing a camera app. Cymera serves as an alternative to the stock app.
What makes Cymera something special is the ability to add editing to photos that you have taken straight after taking them. It does tend to get boring having to use 2 apps to do something that could have easily been done on one, as cymera has done.

With cymera you have a wide variety of editing options. You can change the colouring to anything from an old school picture look or to charcoal. The camera also has a facial recognition property that its them used to modify a picture of a gave as desired. You can make a person have large google-eyes, thin their face down and even turn a straight mouth into a smiling one. There are also different clip art pics to decorate your picture.

Another cool thing about this app is the settings that you can set before taking a picture. One of the memorable ones for me is the one that blurs out the background around your focal point. It really makes for beautiful pictures.

In conclusion I love this app, it's fun, it's practical and it's free :-)


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